
文章来源:北京中慧言翻译公司  发布时间:2018-03-01 13:19:35  编辑人员:凤凰涅槃

简介:  虽然手语的临时版本在整个人类文明的过程中存在,但直到17 日世纪,西方世界都看到手语教学和学习的系统研究。1620年,一位名叫胡安·巴勃罗·博内的西班牙神父

  虽然手语的临时版本在整个人类文明的过程中存在,但直到17 日世纪,西方世界都看到手语教学和学习的系统研究。1620年,一位名叫胡安·巴勃罗·博内的西班牙神父发表了第一篇现代文本,提出了一种通过使用手动标志来教育聋童的方法。他Reducción德拉斯Letras的ŸARTE对enseñar一个hablar洛的MudOS (信函内容与艺术教学演讲到静音)为另一位慈善教育家AbbéCharles-Michel de l'Epée铺平了道路,他于1755年创建了第一所聋人公立学校。被称为“聋人之父”的他在手语广泛的工作中,Abbéde l'Epée通过他在巴黎街头对聋人的观察收集了他的大部分教训。用典型的手势和手势合成这些信息,他能够发布一个手册字母表,这个手写字母表大部分保持不变,直到现在。

  现代美国手语是从18所创建的欧陆系统导出个世纪,但它也有自己独特的历史。美国部长托马斯霍普金斯Gallaudet是聋人教育的杰出人物,于1815年前往法国研究交流方法。1817年,加利德特回到美国后,在康涅狄格州哈特福德成立了该国第一所聋人学校。到1863年,全国共有22所功能性学校,并于1864年成立了一所致力于聋人教育的学院。在此之前,在17 日世纪,美国是玛莎葡萄园手语的发源地。该国的这个地区是一个大聋人的家园; 到1854年,岛上聋哑人的比例比全国平均水平高出近35倍。出于这个原因,在该地区扩散到该国其他地区之前,已经制定了专门的手语。

  While ad hoc versions of sign language have existed throughout the course of human civilization, it was not until the 17th century that the Western world saw a systematic study of the teaching and learning of sign language. In 1620, a Spanish priest by the name of Juan Pablo Bonet published the first modern text to propose a method of educating deaf children through the use of manual signs. His Reducción de las letras y arte para enseñar a hablar a los mudos (Summary of the Letters and Art of Teaching Speech to the Mute) paved the way for another philanthropic educator, Abbé Charles-Michel de l’Epée, who in 1755 founded the first public school for the deaf. Known as the “Father of the Deaf” for his extensive work with sign language, Abbé de l’Epée gleaned much of his teachings from his observations of deaf people on the streets of Paris. Synthesizing this information with typical gestures and hand signs, he was able to publish a manual alphabet that was used, mostly unchanged, until the present.

  Modern American Sign Language is derived from the continental system created in the 18th century, but it also has its own unique history. American minister Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet was a prominent figure in the education of the deaf, traveling to France in 1815 to study methods of communication. In 1817, upon his return to the United States, Gallaudet founded the country’s first school for the deaf, in Hartford, Connecticut. By 1863, there were a total of 22 functioning schools throughout the nation, and by 1864, a college dedicated to the education of deaf people. Prior to that, in the 17th century, the United States was the birthplace of Martha’s Vineyard Sign Language. That area of the country was home to a large deaf population; by 1854, the percentage of deaf people on the island was almost 35 times higher than the national average. For this reason, a specialized sign language had been worked out in the area before it had spread to other parts of the country.



时间: 2018-02-27-02:54:53


时间: 2018-02-28-03:35:15



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